This past month, three students from the WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter, also known as WTS Advancing Women in Transportation, were awarded scholarships. These awards were presented at the WTS Central Florida Chapter Scholarship Banquet in Orlando, Fl, on Sept. 12, 2017. Each year, WTS recognizes aspiring young women who are pursuing careers in transportation with three scholarships encompassing graduate and undergraduate students.This year, all three recipients were from the University of Florida.

Deja Jackson, a second-year doctoral student majoring in Civil Engineering, received the Frankee Hellinger Graduate Scholarship. Jackson was the first African American to receive the scholarship award. Jackson currently serves as the WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter President.

Yantong Chen, undergraduate student with a major in Civil Engineering, received the Frankee Hellinger Undergraduate Scholarship.

Kelly Ward, undergraduate student in Environmental Engineering with a specialty in Transportation and Traffic, won the Frankee Hellinger Leadership Scholarship for Undergraduates.

To get involved with the WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter, visit their Facebook page [HERE].