Transportation Engineering Webinar Courses

Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning training courses presented as online webinars for professionals and practitioners. Below are the descriptions of all the webinars offered by the UFTI. Click on the title links for more information.

See the following link for the scheduled webinars.

Available Courses | University of Florida (

For more information, contact: Dr. Nithin Agarwal, or 352.273.1674.

Access Management Analysis Webinar

This course covers the latest access design principles and management techniques, retrofit programs, legal implications, and design guidelines.

6 PDHs
Automated and Connected Vehicle Preparedness

This is a training course is about building a collective understanding about what it takes to lead transportation agencies through new, unusual, and transformative events and emerging technologies. Emphasis is on topics related to planning for uncertainties and addressing a range of scenarios.

6 PDHs
Balancing Commerce and Traffic Operations

This course builds upon the fundamental principles covered in the Site Impact Analysis and Access Management Analysis courses and explores the implications of the applications of these principles to reviewing agencies and to consultants and their clients.

6 PDHs
Big Data Webinar

This Course has been developed for transportation professionals interested in the latest trends in traffic data collection and their impact on the quality of ITS implementation. The Course introduces a classification of data collection technologies, emphasizes design and functioning of state of the art solutions of each type.

3 PDHs
Design of Signalized Intersections Webinar

This course will discuss traffic signal design elements, MUTCD standards, visibility distance, the position of signal poles and signal displays, geometric features, pedestrian timing and accessibility, flash operation, phasing, preparing signal timing sheets.

3 PDHs
Designing Safer Roads for Pedestrians and Bicyclists Webinar

This course will teach participants how to diagnose pedestrian and bicyclist safety deficiencies and select the appropriate countermeasures to make conditions safer for all users.

6 PDHs
Ethics: Knowing Yourself and Navigating with Care

This webinar will provide guiding principles from various codes of ethics – AICP, ITE, ASCE, NSPE and will test your knowledge through polls and questions. You will walk through several real case studies to help bring to life the practical challenges of ethical decisions.

3 PDHs
Fundamentals of Roadway Design Webinar

This workshop focuses on the fundamentals of roadway design decisions: location, alignment, superelevation, and selection of design elements. This one-day course addresses a wide range of topics upon which additional continuing education can be built.

6 PDHs
Fundamentals of Roundabout Geometric Design

This online engineering course presents the fundamental geometric design principles based on NCHRP 672. The NCHRP 672 offers guidance on the basics of roundabout design where good experience and engineering judgment and application of best practices is required. As part of this webinar, you will learn about the basics of roundabouts, geometric design, and safety considerations.

3 PDHs
Highway Capacity Analysis Webinar

This webinar series presents lectures, software demonstrations and application examples on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM6) procedures – including the 6th Edition updates. Step-by-step instruction of the HCM6 methodologies will be provided for each analytical chapter.

12 PDHs
Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Webinar

This course goes through Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) manual, developed by FDOT, to evaluate traditional roadway intersection types that have been identified for capacity and/or traffic control improvements.

3 PDHs
Long Range Transportation Planning

An LRTP is a process and resultant document containing planned improvements to a Metropolitan Area’s transportation facilities for a 20-year horizon. This course begins with a discussion of the history of LRTPs via an overview of the planning issues that led to the creation of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and LRTPs.

6 PDHs
Road Safety Audits

This overview webinar provides an overview of the Road Safety Audit process and points the participants to additional resources for establishing their own RSA program or performing RSAs.

3 PDHs
Roadway Departures

This webinar has been developed to provide participants with an overview of tools for addressing roadway departure crashes.

3 PDHs
Site Impact Analysis Webinar

This course covers the principles and information contained in the ITE’s Trip Generation Report and the ITE Recommended Procedures for conducting Traffic Impact Studies.  The class will cover how to select trip generation rates and adjust trips for internal capture trips and passby trips.

6 PDHs
Speed Management Techniques and Applications

The Speed Management Techniques and Applications Webinar is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and principles for applying various techniques for countering speeding and speed-related crashes.  The first sections of the course review the Fatality Analysis Reporting System as well as other sources of crash data.

6 PDHs
22037 UFT2 Traffic Engineering Fundamentals

The course is intended to introduce and overview several traffic engineering topics with some practical application for each.  Congestion, safety, and analysis are covered, including information on signals, crashes, and studies.

12 PDHs
Traffic Signals Training Webinar

This course will give an introduction to traffic signals as well as traffic signal warrants, design, signal timing and coordination, multi modalism and traffic signal controllers.

6 PDHs
Transportation Project Evaluation Fundamentals

This course will help the transportation planners, engineers, practitioners, educators, decision-makers, stakeholders and all others involved or interested in transport project development process. With exercises on different aspects of evaluation, this course is an ideal practical guide for the transportation systems analysis and evaluation.

6 PDHs