During the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC)  Summer Meeting in Buffalo, NY, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou was elected  president of the organization.   Dr. Elefteriadou will serve as President for one year, until June 2018.

CUTC was established in 1979 by several major transportation research centers and institutes in the US to provide a forum for transportation researchers and educators, promote university research, education, workforce development, and technology transfer, and interact collectively with government and industry (http://www.mycutc.com/.)

“I am looking forward to working with my colleagues at CUTC to continue to advance transportation research and education, and to grow and expand the organization’s influence and stature in the transportation community”, Elefteriadou said.

The CUTC Summer Meeting attracts the nation’s leading transportation professionals from academia and industry along with U.S. DOT and other transportation agency officials. The meeting serves as a venue to exchange information and enhance collaboration between university transportation centers, and between centers, the US DOT, and other government agencies.