
The objectives of our research in transportation economics and related areas revolve around (a) gaining a better understanding of socioeconomic impacts of congestion and various congestion-mitigating strategies such as congestion pricing, road space rationing and tradable mobility credits, (b) designing efficient and practical congestion-mitigating strategies that are market-based and more acceptable to the public; (c) investigating new alternatives for transportation financing via, e.g.., public-private partnerships, and (d) developing methodologies to evaluate and prioritize multimodal transportation projects.

Example Projects

Project TitleContact PersonEmailProject Status
I-75 Florida's Regional Advanced Mobility Elements (FRAME)Pete VegaPeter.Vega@dot.state.fl.usActive
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety DemonstrationFred HeeryFred.Heery@dot.state.fl.usActive
Gainesville SPaT TrapeziumRaj PonnaluriRaj.Ponnaluri@dot.state.fl.usActive
Evaluation of the Gainesville Trapezium Connected Vehicle Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Deployment ProjectDr. Sanjay Rankaranka@cise.ufl.eduActive
Data Management and AnalyticsDr. Sanjay Rankaranka@cise.ufl.eduActive
Gainesville Autonomous Shuttle EvaluationDr. Pruthvi Manjunathapruthvim@ufl.eduActive
Traffic Signal Control with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in the Traffic StreamDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduActive
Development and Testing of Optimized Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Trajectories at Signalized IntersectionsDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduActive
Extended Development and Testing of Optimized Signal Control with Autonomous and Connected VehiclesDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduActive
Transportation Mobility Assessment and Recommendations for Smart City PlanningDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduActive
Before and After Study of Gainesville Pedestrian-Bicyclists Connected Vehicle PilotDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduActive
Testbed Initiative Transit ComponentsDr. Yong-Kyu Yoonykyoon@ece.ufl.eduCompleted, see project brief
Adavanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for TransitDr. Nithin Agarwalnithin.agarwal@ufl.eduActive
Evaluation of Intelligent School Zone Beacon and Vehicle-Cyclist Detection and Warning SystemDr. Eakta Jainejain@cise.ufl.eduActive
Micromobility & Transit SERMOS LabDr. Xilei Zhaoxilei.zhao@essie.ufl.eduVarious Active Projects


Abhinav Alakshendra, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Zhong-Ren Peng
Department of Urban and Regional Planning